Don't mess with An Angel
When Marichuy was born, her mother believing she was dying, entrusted her baby to the priest. Who took her to the orphanage, by the age of 14, Marichuy ran away from the orphanage and begins to live in the streets. One day she was attached by the drunker who happened to leave a mark in Marichuy's life, this experience leave her with deep resentment against men, as well as nightmares.
Candelaria, a washer woman, takes her in and she treats her like her own daughter. Marichuy does odd jobs helping Candelaria.
One day she had some trouble that lands her to court, where by her own father happens to be the judge(though neither of them is aware of it). She is being defended by the psychoanalyst Juan Miguel San Roman.
Marichuy is released into Juan Miguel's custody and he took her to stay in his house. Juan Miguel is a widower. His mother in law makes Marichuy feel totally unwelcome, and to avoid problems, as well as his tempatations towards Marichuy. So Juan Miguel finds a new home for Marichuy. Which happened to be judge's home(Marichuy's real parents house). Judge Patricio Velarde and his wife Cecilia, who has taken in Estefania thinking she was their lost daughter, though Estefania knew she wasn't.
Juan Miguel and Marichuy fall in love and get married. However, the morning after the wedding, Marichuy discovers something about Juan Miguel past. A secret that makes her to leave him and refuse to see him ever again.
Later she finds out that she is pregnant, and she decided not to tell him. Instead she leaves the city with Candelaria and ends up at hacienda of a man called "El Leopard"(the leopard) who falls in love with her. Marichuy gives birth and El Leopard is willing to marry her and give the child his name. But Marichuy was not in love so she no to him. But El Leopard doesn't give up, slowly he begins to win Marichuy's heart. Later on he learns that Marichuy's husband was Juan Miguel who was his classmate.
So Juan Miguel and El Leopard became rivals for Marichuy's love, but the decision was Marichuy's.
Here we go for the new updates:
Marichuy's friend Anajulia, the one who was helping her when she use to work in theaters begins to have evil itentions towards Marichuy because of her jealous and she was also attracted to Juan Miguel. She didi everything to make Marichuy hate Juan Miguel, it real worked because there was a time Marichuy was even thinking to revenge on Juan Miguel,thanks to Candelaria who was one of the few people know what kind of a snake Anajulia is.
Bad luck Marichuy develops a tumor in her head nad she was supposed to have surgery, but her father who has always been stuborn doesn't want her daughter to be operated with Juan Miguel who happens to be the best surgeon in Mexico.
But when he finds out that Marichuy is about to die, he comes to his senses and agreed. Anajulia tries to stop Juan Miguel but it didn't work out.
She then plans to drug Juan Miguel, and later claims that she and Juan Miguel had sexual intercourse.
Anajulia declares that she is pregnant and the father is Juan Miguel, though it was not true bacause the father of her unborn child is Amador.
When Juan Miguel finish the operation, Vicente returns and helped Amador to kidnap Raphael. When everyone knew about the kidnapping, Marichuy refuses to take off the bandages from her eyes until she knew that Raphael is back and safe. Juan Miguel calls Raphael's father and told him about Marichuy, while Vincete calls the Velarde's asking for ransom. Juan Miguel recognise Vicente's voice. Raphael's father give them the money, and he got back Raphael safe and sound.
Marichuy sees one again but refuses Juan Miguel. For the second time she plans to run away with her son, and help others in the world that need her along with the man who is so deep in love with her. Juan Miguel tries to tell her that they can be togather again but she doesn't listen.
Time went by, until Amador decides to tell the truth about Anajulia's pregnant. Anajulia and Vincente come to stop Amador from telling the truth but they were a little too late, Anajulia loses her temper and tries to take a gun from Amador and this led to Vincete's death who was shot accidentally. Marichuy decides to call Juan Miguel for help, it was too late because Vincete didn't make it. Amador ended up in jail where he belongs, while Marichuy get back together with Juan Miguel.
Marichuy admits that she wants to be Juan Miguel wife again, he agrees and they start to plan for their wedding. On the day of their wedding, Marichuy enters the church before anyone else to thank God. While in the church she receives a letter from Juan Miguel who seems to have a surprise for her. But Marichuy discovers it was Anajulia doings, who then knocks her out. Anajulia leaves a letter saying that if Juan Miguel's love is not for her then it wont for Marichuy either. Anajulia takes Marichuy to the same place where Amador held Raphael as a hostage, and put it in fire. So as to kill herself, her unborn child and Marichuy.
Suddenly, Anajulia goes through labor pain, Marichuy decides to help her. Despite that Anajulia told her to leave her, she succeeded to get out with Anajulia and then delivers Anajulia's child. Anajulia dies immediately after delivering due to too much smoke in her lungs, but before that she apologise to Marichuy for all the bad things she has ever done to her.
Juan Miguel think Marichuy is dead after seeing the flames. Then Marichuy comes from the back of the building, in her arms holding Anajulia's baby. After that they both decide to give the kid to Purita and Adrian.
Finally, Marichuy and Juan Miguel get married again and they spend their honeymoon with Mayita and Juanito.
The show ends with the new family, all dressed in white playing in beach.